Tech Taste #2

 Tech Taste #2

WhatsApp - CTC

Hello πŸ˜‡πŸ’– people :-) Welcome to Tech Taste Series. I hope that you found some cool and useful stuffs in the previous post. Haven't checked yet πŸ˜…?! No worries ! Here goes the TECH TASTE #1 . Feel free to express your views in the comment box below.

Tech Taste #2 is all about our inseparable piece of our day to day life . It is none other than WHATS-APP ! Are you pretty excited to know some interesting feature in WhatsApp ?Without much buzz let me disclose the feature. 

Are you a person who does not want/like to save each and every random numbers to pass an information through WhatsApp ? Then this post is for you . Follow each step side by side to utilize this feature.

Click to Chat (CTC) WhatsApp feature will definitely help you to escape from that process !😜😜. Let's see how to use this CTC !

  1. Get ready with the number , which you need to message (without saving the number)
  2. Copy that number in your clipboard or somewhere else
  3. Just type<the number goes here>
  4. We have to add the country code in front of number
  6. Now click the link which you have created
  7. You will be redirected to WhatsApp , where you could message the number without even saving it
  8. What if you need to send a pre-filled message by clicking a single link ?
  9. This can be done by adding a pre-filled message text to the link 
  10. The format goes like this<whatsapp phone number here>?text=<your message goes here>
  11. An important point to note here is that we cannot enter our pre-filled messages with spaces in between the words
  12. This can be rectified by placing %20 instead of space in our messages
  13. The link will be as follows**********?text=Welcome%20to%20THE%20BLOG.
  14. The original text which is encoded above is "Welcome to THE BLOG"
  15. This kind of pre-filled whats-app links will be very helpful for business accounts
  16. This link will work both on our mobile WhatsApp as well in WhatsApp Web
  17. What if our pre-filled messages are too long such that inserting %20 instead of space is a tiring process and our link looks like some 5 to 10 lines?
  18. Here comes our length rescuer URL SHORTENER . That is a post for another Tech Taste Series.

A Quick sample goes here ! I created my own link using this feature to make you lovely people to get instant updates from THE BLOG according to your interests.

Daily Code Series - Click Here to get this series updates. 
Here goes the sample post  - Click Here

Thought Register SeriesClick Here to get this series updates. 
Here goes the sample post  - Click Here

Tech Taste SeriesClick Here to get this series updates. 
Here goes the sample post  - Click Here

THE BLOG - Click Here to get updates on all the series.
Here goes the log - Click Here

One liner of this Tech Taste #2 : 

Generate link by using this format**********/?text=Your%20message%20here

Note : * is the 10 digit mobile number and most importantly %20 should be inserted instead of spaces.

For more information check out WhatsApp feature page .

Until another Tech Taste Series , KEEP IN TOUCH with your loved ones through WhatsAppπŸ˜œπŸ’–


  1. That's really good stuff. Keep going πŸ₯³

    1. Thanks for reading! More interesting contents are on its way πŸ’«

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you ! More tech contents will be posted regularly ♡


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