
Showing posts from June, 2020

Alien War Game - Code to Play :-)

Alien War Game ON Story Time :-) Imagine that we are in the year 3000 , Aliens are friends with Homo Sapiens at this time . Aliens are silicon based and they do not possess feelings (VROOM ....ROBO DA ROBO DA 😛). Life is smooth , but at that time the  Annual Alien vs Homo Sapiens coding competition  goes live . This is the only place where Aliens' as well as mankind clash with each other . Each and every Coding clubs across the galaxy is brushing up their skills. In parallel to this competition, there are some Code to Play Sessions conducted by various clubs. It is a fun session where people with basic coding knowledge can also code their game :-) This session is hosted by  Coding Club India  . All are pretty excited . I hope you people are curious. Let us deep dive into the game coding part . (End of story) Game Video🎮 You people couldn't believe it right ! Yaaasss , we can code this game with HTML and JavaScript only. Excited ?! I am here to explain you in detail the whole

HTML Learning outcomes

Hey folks after a long time I am posting . This post is to share my HTML learning outcomes. Let me sum up in points . HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used in front-end-development. The following are my learning outcomes. Basic syntax of HTML How to write clean code Usage of  wide varieties of tags Embedding videos Inserting images Formatting tables Styles  Forms to collect data How to build a single page website What are entities What are attributes and a lot more. Online learning resources which i used are About Pirple : Interactive lectures Workstation Graded Assignments Clarity in content delivery Self - paced learning Nice UX/UI Web based platform Learning Outcomes :                    I created a single page website only using HTML. Here goes the link click here . It is a simple design . It is about my favorite book. All styled using HTML. I wish to highlight the five important tags which i have used in the above m